TESLA is a software tool that supports decision makers faced with complex problems drawing on multiple and uncertain sources of qualitative and quantitative evidence. It provides a means to break a decision down into a hierarchical structure, in such a way that information can be easily gathered and the implications analysed and presented.
TESLA is based on Evidence Support Logic (ESL), which is designed to assess the confidence that can be placed in a decision, taking account of the amount of uncertainty or conflict in the supporting evidence. A significant strength of the ESL approach is that it allows all of the available evidence to feed into the decision process, including output from previous studies of analogous systems and expert judgement, not just the more readily manipulated quantitative data.
Key features include:
- concise visual presentation of all the elements of a complex decision;
- transparent audit trail, including links to evidence sources;
- portfolio tool for comparing options;
- graphical output summarising levels of confidence and sensitivity to input; and
- automatic report generation.

Software is only a small part of decision making. At Quintessa we have a number of highly experienced consultants who can provide comprehensive decision support services including acting as facilitators at decision workshops.
Comprehensive documentation is provided in Evidence Support Logic: A Guide for TESLA Users and the TESLA User Guide. An evaluation version of TESLA can be downloaded from the link below. For further information about TESLA and associated services, including training, please contact Paul Suckling.