The Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) has recently published a report on key lessons learned by those who have sought to develop Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) following the decision of the UK Government to cancel the UK CCS Commercialisation Programme in November 2015.
Interviews were conducted with CCS project developers and a selection of other CCS stakeholders, which identified 36 key lessons. Regarding storage integrity, the report highlights the conclusion of Quintessa’s risk assessment for the White Rose project carried out for National Grid that made use of Quintessa’s decision-support software TESLA.
“The risk assessment provides a high level of confidence that long-term containment of the CO2 planned to be stored will be achieved, and the system will evolve to long-term stability. Risks to human health or environmental receptors associated with loss of containment (in the unlikely event it occurs), displacement of brine and deformation are either low or very low.”