

Over the past six years the CO2ReMoVe project has investigated the long-term reliability and safety of geological CO2 storage and supported the development of guidelines for site certification in addition to providing support to policy makers, regulators and industry. The project involved over 30 partners from research and industry from Europe and beyond, with funding from the European Commission (EC) and a number of major energy companies.

CO2ReMoVe utilised proprietary data on operational geological storage sites allowing independent analyses to be made of the effectiveness of performance prediction, monitoring tools and risk assessment methodologies. The project focussed on developing, combining and testing tools for performance prediction, risk assessment and monitoring for verification.

Quintessa’s contributions included the development and application of a structured scenario development methodology, systems-level modelling based on QPAC, and an integrated decision support tool based on TESLA. This tool allows for inclusion of confidence and uncertainty levels, using input from performance assessment, monitoring and verification results. Moreover, it provides an audit trail and acts as a platform for engaging experts and local stakeholders, which is important for responding to new information and local concerns.

Members of the CO2ReMoVe consortium who require access to either of the following CO2ReMoVe Deliverables, should contact Richard Metcalfe:

  • Deliverable D2.2.3P is the CO2ReMoVE TESLA decision tree, which provides all the logic required to integrate assessments of CO2 underground storage site performance.
  • Deliverable D2.2.3Q is an extension of TESLA called CO2TESLA-Excel. It allows the user to take the existing CO2ReMoVe TESLA decision tree (CO2ReMoVe deliverable D2.2.3P) and to create site specific models by inputting levels of confidence against the listed hypotheses, and to analyse the results.