
Contribution to Performance Assessment Methods and Tools to CO2ReMoVe

CO2ReMoVe is being carried out under the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union (EU), with funding from the EU and a number of major energy companies. The project aims to investigate the long term reliability and safety of geological CO2 storage. Another objective is to provide R&D to support the development of guidelines for site certification and accepted standards for policy makers, regulators and industry.

Quintessa has contributed the following outputs to the project:

1. a structured scenario development methodology;

2. a systems level modelling tool based on Quintessa's QPAC software;

3. a decision support tool for integrating different performance-relevant information, based on Quintessa's TESLA software.

These methods and software tools are being applied to several demonstration CO2 storage projects that are being studied as part of CO2ReMoVe. In July 2010, Quintessa will be contributing a lecture on PA modelling at a Summer School organised by the CO2ReMoVe Research Partnership, to be held at Imperial College, London.