Quintessa provides support to developers and regulators of carbon dioxide geological storage systems in the selection of potential sites, the development of monitoring and mitigation plans, and the assessment of their long-term performance.
Geological storage of carbon dioxide is being developed as a climate change mitigation option in pilot and commercial scale projects worldwide. Widespread deployment of this technology will depend on demonstrating that it is feasible, safe and acceptable to stakeholders.
Quintessa has been involved in carbon storage projects since 2000, by designing and constructing a Features, Events and Processes (FEP) database, participating in a number of EU-funded projects including CO2ReMoVe and RISCS concerning risk assessment methodologies and impact assessment as well as building models of CO2 leakage for the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). Quintessa has supported Shell through development of decision trees for siting of CO2 stores, including using Quintessa’s software TESLA to capture logic of decisions. More recently, Quintessa has supported a number of developers (Spirit Energy, Northern Endurance Partnership, National Grid Carbon) and regulators (North Sea Transition Authority) in the UK and overseas (Japan) in developing risk management plans and assessments.

Image copyright of International Panel on Climate Change.