Models of initial contamination, subsequent contaminant migration and potential exposures help decision makers to understand long-term implications and explore associated remediation/clean-up options and strategies. For example, AMBER has been applied to long-term modelling of small rural communities after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident, on behalf of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). An AMBER model has been developed that enables a range of remediation options to be assessed for individual sites, based on measured levels of contamination, its distribution and patterns of land-use.
PRISM, which is a 'wrapped' version of AMBER, provides the Food Standards Agency (FSA) with an up-to-date modelling capability for the transport of contaminants in terrestrial foodchains. The capability is required in order to be able to assess potential impacts on food quality of routine or accidental releases of contaminants to the atmosphere. The FSA uses the modelling capability to derive screening tables of atmospheric deposition rates that would result in Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs) being reached in foodstuffs.
Quintessa has also used AMBER to undertake environmental modelling work of the Kepkensberg Sludge Basin as part of its support to the IAEA MODARIA programme, concerning the development of guidance on stakeholder-engaged decision analysis for legacy nuclear and NORM site management, and the role of environmental models in supporting decisions.