

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) has invested in the development of software to model radionuclide transport in terrestrial food chains following accidental or planned releases of radioactivity to the atmosphere. The PRISM code uses a 'wrapped' version of Quintessa's AMBER compartment modelling software with a custom Graphical User Interface (GUI) that provides direct access to a parameter database.

The currently available version of the code (PRISM 3.6) provides a powerful capability for undertaking deterministic and probabilistic food chain calculations, including the representation of correlated model parameters. It uses up-to-date models for radionuclide transport in soils as well as biokinetic models of their behaviour in plants and animals. The use of PRISM's probabilistic capabilities enables uncertainties in the calculation of potential contaminant concentrations in crops and animal products to be evaluated.

PRISM includes models for trace contaminants, covering 40 elements and 127 associated radionuclides. The code also includes models for the radionuclides H-3 and C-14, which require a different approach to other elements since hydrogen and carbon play fundamental roles in plant and animal metabolism. 

Prism screenshot