
AMBER 6.6 Released

Quintessa is pleased to announce that the latest version of AMBER has been released. AMBER 6.6 offers an improved user experience on small screens, as well as a number of calculation and usability improvements and bug fixes.

In particular, AMBER 6.6:

  • introduces vertical scroll bars on a number of model tabs, to improve the usability of AMBER on small screens, or as a small window on a screen;
  • warns the user if changes have been made within parameter editor tabs but not yet applied - particularly helpful in ensuring user modifications are correctly applied before calculating a case;
  • ensures case files with a spatial model have a similar run time to those case files without a spatial model;
  • propagates missing values through parameter expressions and allows evaluation where possible (if missing values are not actually used); and
  • includes improvements to the readability of small and large numerical values, and various other minor usability improvements and bug fixes.

In addition, the issue regarding availability schemes, identified in the AMBER 6.5 and 6.5.1 releases, has now been resolved.

Following user requests, we have completed production of a suite of videos of the AMBER User Guide tutorials. These can be found on Quintessa Limited's YouTube page. Please subscribe so that you can be notified as new videos are uploaded.

If you have a valid software maintenance agreement, please download AMBER 6.6. Alternatively, download the free AMBER 6.6 Demo where you can evaluate its new functionality. If you would like to renew your maintenance agreement, please contact us.

For further information on AMBER please visit AMBER's home page.