Louise Bruffell and Alan Paulley travelled to their first in-person event for two years, in order to present at the recent Waste Management conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
The event is the premier annual international conference for the radioactive waste management and environmental restoration industry. It attracted nearly 2200 participants, of which around 200 were from the UK which was this year’s “featured country”. It provided an excellent opportunity to catch up with colleagues and friends from the UK and overseas, to gain an understanding of recent progress in the industry and to exchange technical information and ideas.
Louise presented on environmental modelling work undertaken as part of Quintessa’s support to the IAEA MODARIA programme, concerning the development of guidance on stakeholder-engaged decision analysis for legacy nuclear and NORM site management, and the role of environmental models in supporting decisions. Louise and Alan were also panellists for a session presenting the draft MODARIA guidance. Alan is also one of the conference ‘track’ co-chairs and part of the organising Programme Advisory Committee (PAC).
Prior to the conference, Louise and Alan battled jet-lag via a trip to the Desert Botanical Gardens on the outskirts of Phoenix (pictured).