
AMBER Tutorial Videos released

The getting started tutorial for AMBER, Quintessa's Compartment Modelling Software, has recently been converted into a series of tutorial videos, with additional explanations and information.

The tutorial videos demonstrate the implementation of a conceptual model of the leaching of radioactive contaminants from a near-surface repository into an underlying aquifer, followed by transport towards a downstream well used as a source of drinking water and irrigation.

The full set of tutorial videos are available in a playlist on YouTube and Quintessa's website, and are intended to guide AMBER licence holders through the core functionality of the full version of AMBER, so they can begin creating their own models using AMBER.

A screenshot of the webpage of AMBER tutorial videos, showing a video entitled 'Tutorial 6 Part 2 - using Functions in Parameters with bullet points of a summary and key terms underneath'
A screenshot of one of the tutorial video webpages

There are 30 videos in total, each accompanied by a summary and definition of the key terms used. This video format is intended to help both new users, in developing their understanding of the software's basics, and experienced users, in developing their understanding of more advanced features. These tutorial videos compliment the existing video showing an example of creating an AMBER model to simulate the transport of radionuclides through a water tank.

If you have any queries about these tutorials, or any other aspect of AMBER, please . For further information on AMBER, please visit AMBER's home page.