Quintessa has released the first set of a series of video tutorials for AMBER 6.4. These tutorial videos are available on Quintessa's YouTube page.
The tutorial videos demonstrate the implementation of a conceptual model of the leaching of radioactive contaminants from a near-surface repository down to an aquifer, followed by transport towards a downstream well used as a source of drinking water and irrigation.
The first set of tutorials covers the initial development of the case file and model within AMBER.
Tutorial 1 shows how to specify units and contaminants in the model:
Tutorial 2 shows how to specify the decays:
Tutorial 3 shows how to conceptualise the model and define the compartments:
Tutorial 4 shows how to specify the transfers between the compartments:
These videos are the first in a set that will fully illustrate how to set up and run the model in AMBER. The next set of videos will focus on how to build a spatial model for this example.
If you have any queries about this tutorial, or any other aspect of AMBER, please contact the AMBER team. For further information on AMBER, please visit AMBER's home page.