
Scientific Software

Quintessa distinguishes itself from other technical consultancies by the ability to develop, as well as apply, user-friendly scientific software that encapslates solutions to client problems.

At the heart of all good scientific software is an efficient numerical algorithm. We have wide experience in choosing, developing and refining numerical algorithms so that they are optimised for specific problems. Usability of the software is also key, and this is something we also focus on. As with our mathematical and statistical consultancy, our aim is always to work closely with clients, from initial specification and prototyping to training and ongoing support as appropriate.

Our software is developed following modern software development practices, in accordance with the BS EN ISO 9001:2015 standard and the TickITplus scheme. We ensure work is properly specified, implemented and tested and take pride in producing clear and easy to use software with suitable documentation, training and support available. We have capabilities in a wide range of languages, including C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, HTML, XML, PHP, Javascript, R, Perl, Octave, Python, MySQL, Oracle SQL and our in-house QPAC input language. We have experience with cross-platform desktop application development, the .NET framework, the OpenMP standard, user-interface design, database design and web-based application development.

Quintessa follows an agile ethos to software development through the formation of small project teams. Software developers at Quintessa often have relevant domain knowledge and, where that is not the case, will work with domain experts to translate user- or domain-specific requirements into technical software requirements. By working closely together, software can be developed rapidly, designed to meet the precise needs of the client and adapted to meet changing requirements. Our software team actively keep their skills up to date through membership of societies such as the British Computer Society (BCS), attending conferences and contributing to open source projects.

Quintessa has a library of in-house software tools and packages which form the basis of many of our software applications. These, together with standard industry libraries (e.g. for graphical user interfaces), are used for rapid and cost-effective development. Our in-house library includes file parsers, linear algebra, random number generation, symbolic algebra, differential equation solvers and genetic algorithms. Solutions can take the form of custom desktop or web-based modelling applications, or packages for standard modelling tools such as MS Excel, Matlab, or scripting languages such as R or Python. Also, custom applications can be rapidly developed from QPAC using the QPAC Player.