
Strategic Options Assessment

Quintessa provides decision support services for the development of national policies and strategies. Such projects are inevitably tailored to the specific needs and constraints of the client, and require a deep understanding of the issues combined with strong facilitation, analysis and synthesis skills.

Quintessa has supported LLW Repository Ltd’s National Waste Programme (NWP) for a number of years, typically working collaboratively with other organisations. We have provided key contributions to the development and review of national strategic BAT (Best Available Technique) and Best Practicable Means (BPM) assessments for the management of different types of LLW. The outcomes provide the foundations for the national strategic approach as well as more specific guidance to waste producers for their own specific BAT / BPM studies.

Quintessa has also supported a range of further UK NDA initiatives on waste management strategy development, including for higher activity wastes, including via RWM’s Upstream Options programme. For example, Quintessa provided support to RWM in evaluating options available for the treatment and packaging of larger Plutonium Contaminated Material (PCM). Previously, Quintessa provided facilitation assistance to the UK Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM), whose terms of reference were to review the potential options for managing UK radioactive wastes and to recommend options that will protect people and the environment. The work included facilitating and documenting specialist and stakeholder workshops during the appraisal and integration phases, and assisting with the synthesis of the study results.

Quintessa has also provided support to non-UK clients in developing national strategies. For example, Quintessa undertook an independent review of the available strategies in Italy for the disposal of Low and Intermediate Level radioactive wastes and the storage of High Level Waste and Spent Fuel for SoGIN (Società Gestione Impianti Nucleari). Quintessa has also contributed to the successful completion of a concept selection study (called KVU) for an intermediate store for spent nuclear fuel and other long-lived radioactive waste in Norway for the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

Quintessa is presently working for a number of organisations across the UK NDA estate to establish and develop End State strategies. We are also supporting international initiatives for decision support resources for national strategic and site-level waste management, decommissioning and cleanup decisions, including guidance being developed through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) MODARIA and MODARIA II programmes.