
CoRWM Draft Recommendations

The Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) delivered its draft recommendations for the long-term management of the UK's intermediate and high-level radioactive waste in Brighton on 27 April.

Quintessa has been providing independent facilitation support to CoRWM during an intensive period of work over the last few months, working closely with the Committee as it formulated its recommendations. 

The recommendations are intended to be read as an integrated package and envisage that, in the long term, radioactive waste will be disposed of through geological disposal. However, the also incorporate a recognition that the process leading to the creation of suitable facilities for disposal may take several decades and should therefore be underpinned by robust interim storage. The location of sites is not part of the CoRWM remit, but the Committee believes that host communities should be identified on the basis of a willingness to participate and an equal partnership approach to decision-making.