- From the systems analysis perspective, we take a structured approach to analysing relevant knowledge and uncertainties, and incorporating them into models containing key couplings and feedbacks that can be used to understand the behaviour of the system as a whole.
- From a presentational perspective, we recognise the importance of synthesising the full range of evidence and the associated lines of reasoning.
- From the decision support perspective, we make use of structured approaches, supported - where helpful - by software tools, and embrace meaningful stakeholder and/or public involvement to ensure transparency and recognition of all points of view.
- From the scientific perspective, we work in collaboration with universities and research institutes on the planning, interpretation and process modelling of experiments and site investigations to yield results that are useful for decision making.
In particular, decisions with the potential for long-term consequences demand a structured and deliberative approach so that the rationale and judgement is clear. Our view is that it is not sufficient to rely solely on technical knowledge on the one hand or mechanistic decision-making on the other. Rather, we endeavour to combine a logical approach to identifying and evaluating all the relevant factors with a firm technical understanding of the issues. This enables us to ask the right questions and to organise and synthesise the responses to those questions in a way that provides effective guidance to decision makers. The process needs to be transparent, allowing room for deliberation, but at the same time conducted within practical constraints on resources.