
Site Restoration

Over time, land uses can change. For example, historic industrial sites get redeveloped for housing or commercial use. Once the buildings and plant have been cleared it is often necessary to survey for, and deal with, contamination in the ground. Contamination can be a result of historical practices, unregulated uses, or accidents. Some contaminants will, over time, migrate or degrade to safe levels, but others may remain bound to foundations, drains, soil and rock. The ground may therefore require remediation or restoration to make it fit for reuse.

Deciding on the amount and type of restoration work is a key question. It requires scientific and technical understanding of the contamination and the risks posed. It may also require engagement with the local community and other agencies. Drawing on our site restoration experience, Quintessa can bring to bear a mix of key skills, “from data to decisions”. Our expertise ranges from detailed understanding of contaminant behaviour in the environment and human and environmental risks to community and stakeholder engagement and decision-aiding techniques.
