Our key strengths are in synthesising relevant information and developing and applying conceptual and mathematical models for the key processes that contribute to the long-term safety of geological disposal including:
- synthesis of data from site investigations, in-situ and laboratory experiments;
- conceptual and mathematical modelling of groundwater flow and radionuclide transport in porous and fractured rocks;
- near-surface hydrology modelling and its coupling to deep groundwater flow;
- reactive geochemical transport modelling of water-rock-radionuclide systems;
- multiphase flow of groundwater / gas and groundwater / non-aqueous phase liquid systems;
- thermal evolution modelling including coupling to hydrogeological, mechanical and chemical processes;
- conceptual modelling and quantification of mechanical processes affecting the long-term stability of geological disposal facilities;
- data synthesis, understanding and modelling of radionuclide speciation, solubility and sorption;
- impacts of complexants, colloids and microbes on radionuclide transport;
- analysis of natural analogues providing supporting safety aruments; and
- synthesis of data, conceptual understanding and modelling to provide support to environmental safety cases and an interface to performance assessment.