
Portfolio Picker

Portfolio Picker is a generic portfolio selection tool developed by Quintessa. It uses basic decision theory to compute an optimal selection amongst several choices when there are potentially multiple factors contributing to the outcome.

Portfolio Picker can be used to help make a decision whenever you have a list of outcomes or categories of items from which a selection must be made. Define categories of items or single items, criteria to score each category against, and choose a method for creating a balanced selection. When each category has been scored against each criterion, Portfolio Picker will help to determine the optimal choice for the problem. The built-in sensitivity analysis can help you decide how changes to a selection affect its ability to meet the defined criteria.

Please download Portfolio Picker by filling in the form below. This free software restricts users to adding up to ten categories and up to ten criteria. You can also download the following supporting documentation:

Technical Information

Operating System
Microsoft Windows
System Requirements
.NET 3.5 or higher. To activate on Windows 8 and above, select ".NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)" from within the "Turn Windows Features On or Off" dialog in the control panel.
Date Published


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