

GoldSim is a widely used probabilistic, generic modelling tool, designed to support investigation of complex systems in areas such as environmental impact assessment, water resources, engineering and finance. It is developed, maintained and sold by GoldSim Technology Group. Quintessa are GoldSim Certified Solution and Training Providers.

GoldSim's flexibility is achieved through a modular structure implemented through a highly graphical interface, with a heavy emphasis on exploring uncertainty through Monte Carlo and scenario-based analysis.

Quintessa use GoldSim as part of our range of modelling tools to support safety assessment work in radioactive waste management, most notably in support of the Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) near Drigg in West Cumbria, UK, Sellafield Limited and Radioactive Waste Management Limited (RWM). For LLWR, GoldSim has been used for a wide range of activities, including to examining potential gas migration through the LLWR cap and the potential environmental impacts of coastal erosion at the site. For Sellafield, GoldSim has been used to undertake updated operational and post-closure radiological safety assessments for the Calder Landfill Extension Segregated Area (CLESA). For RWM, GoldSim has been used to demonstrate the effect of different climates upon calculated biosphere dosed for terrestrial, freshwater, estuarine and marine environments and to explore how the requirements of the EU Groundwater Daughter Directive (GWDD) might be met for the proposed Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).

The use of GoldSim in addition to other tools is part of our commitment to use the ‘right tool for the right job’ and reflect specific client needs.

In addition to consultancy work using GoldSim, Quintessa provides bespoke training on the use of GoldSim and safety assessment methodologies in general. Previous training has been provided to the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), DECOM a.s., Nuvia Ltd and Sellafield Ltd.