
Long-Term Behaviour of Cement and Concrete

The integrity of cement seals is important for isolating underground structures and reservoirs from the environment.

Cementitious materials are included as several different components of radioactive waste disposal systems (grouts, encapsulants, mortars, backfill, structural concrete) and as borehole seals in hydrocarbon and CCS activities.

Quintessa has carried out many modelling studies to quantify the long-term degradation of cement seals in a range of geological environments using state-of-the-art thermodynamic modelling and reactive-transport simulations.

conceptual model showing geometric discretization
Evolution of Portland-cement-based concrete reacting with a brackish groundwater over 1000 years: Conceptual model showing geometric discretization.
evolution of solids and porosity evolution of solids and porosity legend
Evolution of Portland-cement-based concrete reacting with a brackish groundwater over 1000 years: Evolution of solids and porosity (simulation developed using QPAC).