

PARIZADE is a software tool developed for the Japan Atomic Energy Agency as part of its Knowledge Management initiative. It is designed to help retain a memory of the origin of data and information sources, including what restrictions or limits apply, in order to avoid them being applied inappropriately.

The software helps with the management of data and information from research, development and assessment programmes where mathematical models are used for analysing the performance and safety of nuclear waste disposal systems. The aim is to ensure that data and information are correctly and transparently reported and used consistently in modelling activities, in order that the input values used in model runs, technical reports and performance assessments are recorded and traceable back to their origins. To this end, version control is intrinsic to PARIZADE in order to manage the evolution of data and information with time, for example due to new research results or updated designs. This facilitates the identification of reports that need to be updated, models that need to be re-run, and the underlying reasons for any differences between past and present results. In this way, PARIZADE can play an important role in maintaining consistency in long-running research, development and assessment programmes.

PARIZADE is able to handle any data or information that is used in modelling including: measured data and the corresponding error estimates and experimental conditions; derived parameter values, ranges and distributions; and outputs from supporting models. It is an online application that allows users to browse parameter data and related information, access the data files and discuss the data in the context of performance assessment. The user interface is designed to be intuitive and allows scientists and engineers that are new to the area to gain some immediate understanding of the relevance of the data to the programme.