Quintessa is pleased to announce that the latest version of AMBER has been released. AMBER 6.7.1 includes a number of bug fixes.
AMBER 6.7.1 resolves the following issues.
- Batch mode runs were not saving the AMBER Data File (.adf) file. This affected the SAVE case-filename batch control file syntax. A workaround exists for AMBER 6.7 by using full paths with SAVE. A full path involves specifying the location of a file from the root directory, rather than relative to the working directory. For example, if your case file was stored in a folder called Case_Files, in AMBER 6.7 you would need to use:
SAVE C://AMBER/Case_Files/Completed_Calculations/case-filename.cse
- In AMBER 6.7.1 you can use:
SAVE /Completed_Calculations/case-filename.cse
- Loss of unsaved changes in the parameter editor when using various options from the right-click parameter list menu.
Work on AMBER 6.8 is already underway and will include:
- use of a software licence management system, rather than USB dongles; and
- updated documentation, including new tutorials and new example case files. These will feature a wider range of systems and processes that can be modelled using AMBER than in our current documentation.
If you have a valid software maintenance agreement, please download AMBER 6.7.1. Alternatively, download the free AMBER 6.7.1 Demo where you can evaluate AMBER's functionality. If you would like to renew your maintenance agreement, please contact us.
For further information on AMBER please visit AMBER's home page.