Quintessa recently welcomed five RADCORE employees to our Henley-on-Thames office for a week-long in-person tailored AMBER and biosphere assessment training course.
The Republic of Korea (South Korea) is developing a generic safety assessment framework for a deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel. With no candidate disposal sites specified, it is necessary to develop a biosphere assessment modelling strategy suitable for a generic site on the Korean Peninsula. Generic Biosphere Models (GBM) will be developed in a systematic and flexible manner, then implemented in the development of a Generic Safety Case.
The training course covered the role of biosphere assessment in the context of the overall safety case and safety assessment and walked through the updated BIOMASS methodology. Sessions then covered the development of narrative descriptions of the biosphere, the fundamentals of compartment modelling and use of AMBER, biosphere parameter definition, contaminant transport and exposure pathways (groundwater, gaseous release, human intrusion), terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as well as building confidence and the management of uncertainties. These sessions covered both theoretical aspects and practical implementation in AMBER. The participants used the knowledge and advice provided to build an AMBER model of a biosphere system during the week, with the close support of Louise Bruffell and Rebecca Newson.