Quintessa is pleased to announce that the latest version of AMBER has been released. AMBER 6.7 includes new features to support the quality assurance of AMBER models, as well as a number of calculation and usability improvements and bug fixes.
When implementing a mathematical model and supporting data in a software program, it is recommended that the definition of expressions (equations) and the transcription of numerical values from the supporting documentation is subject to a review and approval process. This form of Quality Assurance (hereafter referred to as QA) lies at the heart of AMBER. Indeed, AMBER was developed to have text-based case files to support review of Parameters, Expressions, and wider aspects of the model (e.g. Transfers, NameSets).
A number of new features have been developed for AMBER 6.7 that aim to better support the management and recording of the QA status of parameters. The functionality is designed to be a user-friendly means of demonstrating that a model has been subject to due review. Users can view the review status of parameters both within the AMBER GUI and via .csv export.

Additional improvements to AMBER 6.7 include:
- allowing users to adjust the size of the Parameter Expression/Value text fields in editor panels;
- introducing progress dialogs to highlight processes that are running in the background;
- only updating or deleting previously calculated results when a case file is saved; and
- giving users a default decay or degradation product that assumes it does not need to be tracked ("NULL"). Where there are decay chains, one contaminant can be assigned as the decay product of another, e.g. Th-230 is the decay product of U-234.
If you have a valid software maintenance agreement, please download AMBER 6.7. Alternatively, download the free AMBER 6.7 Demo where you can evaluate AMBER's functionality. If you would like to renew your maintenance agreement, please contact us.
For further information on AMBER please visit AMBER's home page.