Quintessa is pleased to announce that the latest version of AMBER has been released. AMBER 6.5.1 offers the option of remote licensing, as well as a number of usability improvements and bug fixes.
AMBER 6.5.1 introduces the option for remote licensing alongside the current local licensing system. This is still handled through USB hardware security keys, however AMBER 6.5.1 can now search the local network for a remote licence dongle in addition to searching for a local licence dongle attached to the machine. A remote licence also permits AMBER to be run via a Remote Desktop (RDP) connection. Remote licences can be added to existing local licence dongles. Please contact us for further details of remote licence options.
AMBER 6.5.1 also includes improvements to the crispness and scaling of the user interface when running on high-DPI monitors, and various other minor usability improvements and bug fixes.
Following user requests, we have begun to produce videos of the AMBER User Guide tutorials. These can be found on Quintessa Limited's YouTube channel. Please subscribe so that you can be notified as the new tutorial videos are uploaded.
If you have a valid software maintenance agreement, please download AMBER 6.5.1. Alternatively download the free AMBER 6.5.1 Demo where you can evaluate its new functionality. If you would like to renew your maintenance agreement, please contact us.
For further information on AMBER please visit AMBER's home page.