
AMBER 6.3 Released

Quintessa is pleased to announce that the latest version of AMBER has been released.

With AMBER 6.3, users can now render the values of parameters in the 3D view of the model. By scrolling through the model timeframe, the evolution of results, such as calculated amounts of concentrations, can be visualised more easily. Users can choose from a variety of colour schemes, with options for calibrating the scale.

This is unique functionality compared with similar software packages, and provides a powerful way of communicating results in a spatial context, such as the concentration or rate of migration of contaminants. In addition, AMBER 6.3 includes various other minor feature updates and bug fixes.

If you have a valid software maintenance agreement, please download AMBER 6.3. Alternatively download the free AMBER 6.3 Demo where you can evaluate this new functionality. If you would like to renew your maintenance agreement, please .

For further information on AMBER please visit AMBER's home page.

AMBER 3D Results