A new version of the QPAC Overview Report has been released, which describes some of the latest applications of Quintessa's general-purpose modelling tool QPAC.
QPAC has been developed by Quintessa to provide a software backbone to our core mathematical modelling consultancy business. From its conception QPAC was designed to be flexible and versatile, largely thanks to the 'model as input' approach adopted, with software developers working closely with modellers. The QPAC Overview Report describes the philosophy behind the software and outlines a number of case studies demonstrating the wide-ranging areas that QPAC has been applied to across the energy and environment sectors, including:
- gas flow through nuclear reactor cores;
- compaction and geochemical transformation of clays in natural environments;
- the impact of naturally-occurring CO2 from deep sources on surface ecosystems; and
- the chemical processes involved in the resaturation and evolution of underground disposal facilities for nuclear waste.
The Overview Report also describes how Quintessa can deliver modelling solutions to clients, such as:
- QPAC Player versions of models, which allow clients to alter model input parameters and perform sensitivity studies; and
- custom software built around a prototype QPAC model.