Quintessa ran a one-week workshop in Performance Assessment (PA) for technical and project management staff from UKAEA Dounreay in late October.
The workshop was based on training material developed for the IAEA, and adapted to reflect Dounreay-specific issues. It focused on the use of PA to determine short and long-term safety and environmental impacts from radioactive waste disposal, radioactively contaminated land and authorised radioactive discharges. The key aim was to build understanding of PA approaches, increasing the participant's ability to act as informed clients and make the best use of PA information in regulatory submissions, project management and decision-making.
The workshop demonstrated the benefits of a structured and systematic approach to PA through lectures and practical exercises. Topics included the value of documenting the assessment context, definition of scenarios, the development of models, analysis of results, confidence building activities, and the broader use of PA studies in environmental safety cases.