
Quintessa Relocates to the Midlands for Two Days

On 3rd and 4th May Quintessa employees held an offsite meeting at New Hall Hotel in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham. As well as providing us with a wonderful opportunity to meet up in an enjoyable non-work environment, the two days allowed for some training, strategizing and discussions on wellbeing.

The sessions on forward strategy were framed by knowledge sharing presentations given by James Penfold, Alex Bond, Claire Watson, George Towler and Peter Robinson. Glenn Duggleby from Q-Help International, who advises Quintessa on Investors in People was invited to facilitate our session on wellbeing. The session covered all aspects of wellbeing (physical, psychological and social) and the importance of life-work balance. This was particularly apt given that the week beginning 8th May is Mental Health Awareness Week.

A common theme emerging from the event was that the control we have as an employee-owned business to shape the way we work and adapt to the current and future needs of employees and clients is an important factor in ensuring the happiness and wellbeing of employees, satisfaction of clients and the long-term success of the business.