
Postclosure safety assessment of Canadian DGR

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is proposing to build a Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) for Low and Intermediate Level Waste near the existing Western Waste Management Facility at the Bruce Site in Ontario.

OPG is currently undertaking an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the proposed project that involves investigation of the site's geological and surface environmental characteristics, conceptual design of the DGR, and technical studies to demonstrate the operational and long-term safety of the proposed facility.

A partnership led by Quintessa Limited, and incorporating Intera Engineering Limited and SENES Consultants Limited, has been awarded a contract to conduct the postclosure safety assessment for the DGR. The work will build upon the preliminary safety assessment conducted by Quintessa in 2003. This preliminary work will be refined to take account of the more detailed design and greater understanding of the geological and surface environments that will be developed as the project proceeds. During the course of the project, two assessments will be undertaken; the Version 0 assessment to be completed in 2007, and the Version 1 assessment to be completed in 2008.