
Quintessa Employee Ownership Trust

Today the ownership of Quintessa has been transferred from its existing employee shareholders to the Quintessa Employee Ownership Trust (EOT), which now fully owns the company on behalf of all employees.

The EOT has been entrusted with preserving the employee-ownership ethos that has grown at Quintessa over the 15 years since it was established. The purpose of this change is to provide a sustainable future for Quintessa as an independent employee-owned and employee-run company.

Quintessa celebrates the fact that our principal assets are talented staff with leading edge expertise in their chosen fields and a passion for problem solving. The EOT provides a mechanism for all employees to share in the ownership of the company and to continue to contribute to strategic and operational decisions.

The Founder and former major shareholder of Quintessa, David Hodgkinson said:

"The EOT business model is good for our business and good for many other businesses.  As members of the Employee Ownership Association we are long-time supporters of employee ownership.  We have worked towards adopting the trust model of employee ownership for several years and the new favourable tax regime for EOTs provided the final encouragement for the shareholders to sell to an EOT.  We are delighted to have secured the future of the business in this way.  Independence and longevity is key to delivering the service our clients want and the EOT business model is a perfect fit for our business.”