
Quintessa celebrates Employee Ownership Day 2024

Quintessa is celebrating this year’s UK Employee Ownership Day (EO Day), run by the Employee Ownership Association (eoa), by engaging with charitable organisations that we have supported as part of our contributions to the wider community.

This year’s EO Day has the theme of #ProudlyEO and has the aim of showcasing the impact employee ownership has on employees, business, the wider economy, communities, and the environment. So, to celebrate this year, Quintessa decided to engage with two charities that we have supported over recent years.

Colleagues based in Quintessa’s Henley-on-Thames office visited Henley Bowling Club where they were given a beginner's lesson in lawn bowling by some friendly club members and played a few 'ends', with mixed success!

A photo of seven Quintessa employees standing on a stone patio, with a lawn bowls green in the background. In the far background, there is a row of large trees.
Employee owners at the Henley Bowling Club.

Colleagues based in Quintessa’s Warrington office joined volunteers from Grozone building raised beds at a new community garden project at Weaver Hall Museum and Workhouse.


Quintessa employees pose for a photo around a raised flowerbed in a wooden frame. Four employees are crouched in the foreground holding Employee Ownership Association certificates. They are posed on a grassy area with coniferous trees in the background.
Employee owners volunteering at Weaver Hall Museum and Workhouse.

James de le Vingne, Chief Executive of the eoa, said:

Companies such as Quintessa are great examples of the economic and social benefits that can be achieved when employees have a meaningful stake and a say in the business in which they work. The benefits include improving employee health and wellbeing, increasing productivity and fostering creativity and innovation across an array of industry sectors. UK employee-owned companies contribute over £30 billion to the UK economy annually.