This summer I worked at Quintessa for 8 weeks during my summer vacation from the University of Birmingham, where I am studying for an MSci in physics. My hope was that I could get a sense of what it is like to work in a scientific consultancy, and see the application of mathematics and physics to real life situations. It was a great experience.
I was given work that challenged and interested me, which really gave me an insight into how scientific consultants work. My main tasks were related to the AMBER compartment modelling software including developing a test plan, updating the documentation for the next version (there’s a major new release coming!) and creating some new example cases. Through working on these tasks I was able to observe the uses of AMBER inside and outside of Quintessa, and follow how software is developed in a commercial environment.
I also got the chance to shadow a new project for a European client on assessing the safety of a proposed geological disposal facility for radioactive waste, lead the checking of long-term safety calculations relating to geological disposal, and to participate in meetings related to other client projects.
I had a great summer at Quintessa and will always be grateful for how much effort everyone put in to make me so welcome and to make sure I got as thorough experience as possible of a very special company who do some extremely interesting and exciting work.
The picture shows Richard Little, Peter Robinson, Jackie Outram, David Hodgkinson and Louise Parkes in front of Henley Bridge.