
Introducing Quintessa Updates

Quintessa’s new system for managing communication preferences and associated contact information, Quintessa Updates, is live.

Quintessa is celebrating its 20th birthday this year and, like many companies of our age, the company has amassed a large number of business contacts since its inception. The associated information has allowed us to provide our contacts with electronic newsletters they have expressed an interest in (such as the Quintessa or AMBER Update Newsletters), and/or record their interest in software they have downloaded from our website.

We need to ensure that we manage related contact information and communication preferences in accordance with current data protection law. We have therefore developed a new approach (Quintessa Updates) that allows us to achieve this securely and in accordance with our recent ISO 27001 Information Security accreditation. Our website privacy policy has been updated to reflect the change. Quintessa Updates provides our contacts with the opportunity to manage their own communication preferences via our website.

Existing contacts will be notified by email, enabling them to manage their preferences and contact information, or remove themselves from Quintessa Updates altogether if they prefer.

New contacts wishing to sign up to receive any of Quintessa’s communications may do so any time via Quintessa Updates.