The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) is tasked with reviewing the application of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) for the expansion of the final repository for low and intermediate level waste at Forsmark (SFR). An important part of the application is SKB’s assessment of the long-term safety of the SFR, which is documented in the associated SR-PSU safety analysis. Quintessa has recently provided further radionuclide transport modelling support to SSM’s main review phase.
SSM has contracted a number of external experts to support its review of SR-PSU. Within the main review phase, Quintessa has supported SSM in the areas of geochemical review, reactive transport modelling, radionuclide transport modelling and biosphere modelling.
Most recently, Quintessa have re-implemented SKB’s near-field radionuclide transport calculations in the AMBER software tool to explore key issues that have emerged during the main review phase, and the implications of recent further design and assessment work undertaken by SKB for the 2BMA vault. The findings have been published in SSM report 2019:16.