
COVRA reports published

A number of reports have been published on the work that Quintessa has undertaken for the Central Organisation for Radioactive Waste (COVRA) relating to its domal salt repository design.

Three reports discuss the development and application of models to assess the possible bulk gas generation from its inventory of low and intermediate level waste (LILW), technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials ((TE)NORM) and high-level waste (HLW). The assessment included consideration of gas generation both in interim storage conditions and post-emplacement in the repository. Gas generating process implemented in the models included corrosion of metals, hydrolysis and degradation of organics and radiolysis of water/brine and organics. The reports are entitled:

  • 'Waste Groups and High-level Conceptualisation';
  • 'Gas Generation Model – Functional Specification and Definition of Central Case for Analysis'; and
  • 'Gas Generation Model – Results'

A fourth report ('COVRA Salt Creep Modelling – PA model') discusses the implementation a model of the processes leading to creep in crushed salt rock backfill in COMSOL and QPAC.  The model was shown to produce physically-sensible results, both when employed on its own, and when coupled to Richards’ Equation.

All four reports can be downloaded from COVRA’s website.