Over four years, Quintessa has been advising the Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) on its strategy for decommissioning the Tokai 1 nuclear power plant. This is a gas cooled, graphite cored reactor of the Magnox design used extensively in the UK, but it is unique in Japan. JAPC are therefore seeking to benefit from experience and knowledge in the UK as they develop their plans for decommissioning the plant.
With particular input from Paul Woollam, a Quintessa Associate, and Venn Engineering, Quintessa has addressed a wide range of issues that JAPC are dealing with. This has included:
- comparing engineering options for core dismantling, including cost estimation;
- reviewing the decommissioning waste inventory assumptions;
- examining the lessons learned and applicability of a UK demonstration project on graphite cored reactor dismantling;
- documenting waste minimisation technologies for Magnox wastes;
- assistance in exploring the scope for recycling large metal items; and
- examining safety assessment requirements for deferred decommissioning of reactors.