Quintessa Update
Summer 2003.

Welcome to the Summer 2003 edition of Quintessa Update, the electronic newsletter of Quintessa Limited.

Improved modelling of engineered barriers in LLW disposal facilities
Safety assessments of low-level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal facilities often adopt a relatively simple and cautious approach to modelling radionuclide releases from the waste and engineered barriers. Quintessa has recently completed a project for Ontario Power Generation to develop and apply a more detailed representation of generic LLW disposal concepts and the associated processes. The results indicate that calculated doses can be reduced by more than an order of magnitude for most of the cases considered. For more information please contact Richard Little.

Improved modelling of engineered barriers in LLW disposal facilities

Post-closure safety of SFR
The SFR 1 repository at Forsmark in SwedenQuintessa has provided support to the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate in evaluating SKB's case for the post-closure safety of the SFR disposal facility. The identification of key issues for the safety case was assisted by the use of independent performance assessment calculations using AMBER including the time-dependence of the environment over the next few thousand years as the land rises and the Baltic coastline recedes. For more information please contact Philip Maul.

New faces
Quintessa is pleased to welcome John Rees an associate consultant with broad experience of the whole radioactive waste life-cycle and Koji Hane who is a visiting engineer from Kajima Corporation in Japan.

John Rees
Koji Hane