Quintessa Update
Summer 2002.

Welcome to the Summer 2002 edition of Quintessa Update, the electronic newsletter of Quintessa Limited (www.quintessa.org)

From Data to Decisions

Quintessa specialises in the development and application of quantitative and qualitative techniques for integrated environmental assessment and decision making, providing advice to regulators, industry and government agencies.

Our vertically-integrated approach - illustrated below - can be viewed in terms of a hierarchy of information, building on fundamental data and detailed interpretation, to the development of a comprehensive understanding of the breadth of issues on which decisions depend. Effective communication is required at each level of the information hierarchy, through dialogue with the relevant stakeholders.

From Data To Decsions

For further information about Quintessa's environmental decision support services, please contact David Hodgkinson,

Questionnaire on Human Factors and Performance Assessment

Recipients of Quintessa Update may be interested in a research programme currently being conducted by SCK/CEN. The aim is to identify the extent to which experts in performance assessment share a common set of constitutive values and / or common views on uncertainty. This is part of a programme aimed at demonstrating just how far specialist advice can be truly objective.

UK Government Consultation Exercise on Managing Radioactive Waste Safely

In September 2001, the UK Government initiated the first stage of a consultation programme on the future of radioactive waste management. Quintessa Limited has submitted its response in the hope that an integrated programme in keeping with the best international practice will be established. To download a pdf file of Quintessa's response, please click here.